you presently agonize on how your pot belly nutrition will accommodate a
particular dietary supplement? Are you at loss as to what diet you need to
embrace with a view to shedding your abdominal fat? For those of us who have
had to fight protruding belly at one time or the other, we have realized that
cutting down on our intake of sugar, calories and oil is one sure way of
cutting down on amassing fat in the mid rib region and also even avoiding
diabetics. Medical
research has however found out that using Stevia as an effective dietary
supplement has been found to be low in calorie and consequently aiding weight
Stevia Rebaudiana (Also known as
Azucacaa, Estevia, Ca-A-Jhei, Capim Doce etc) is a herb which is native to
South America, particularly in parts of Paraguay and Brazil. It grows in small
shrubs in the wild. It is known as a source of natural sweetener. The
glycosides in the leaves (including up to 10% Stevioside) account for its
incredible sweetness. A Natural Scientist by name Antonio Bertoni first
recorded its usage by the natives in 1887. The natural sweetener is derived
from the sweet leave plant. It is said to be 300 times as sweet as cane sugar,
therefore it takes only a small amount to produce the same sweet taste as sugar
cane. It has been used in other cultures as a sweetener for long, however it
only recently started gaining acceptance in the United States as a sugar
substitute although it was introduced into the US in the 1990’s as a herbal
Benefits of Stevia as Dietary Supplement
· 1.
is carbohydrate and calorie free. It is therefore ideal for dieters watching
their carbohydrate and calorie intake. Since it contains no carbohydrate or
calorie, dieters can use it as supplement in their nutritional plans. It is
therefore better as a sweetener than the artificial sweetener which most times
are injurious to health.
· 2.
also lowers blood sugar content. It is known to have the possible benefit of
lowering blood sugar level. It is therefore possibly an acceptable substitute
for a person suffering from high sugar or insulin problem. It is advisable
however that a person using it as a supplement should continue to monitor the
sugar and insulin levels to know if they are in check or not.
· 3.
is known to possess antibacterial properties. As a result of its antibacterial
properties it is an ideal ingredient for toothpaste and mouthwash rather than the
sweetener most toothpaste manufacturers use. It is also used topically as
ointment for the treatment of eczema and acne.
· 4.
is found to aid calcium formation. Some studies conducted on chickens fed with
food preparations laced with Stevia found out that the eggs they lay had
tougher shells. This therefore presupposes that it will be ideal for calcium
formation in women and children growing bones. Being herbal and natural, it is
better as a dietary supplement than the artificial supplements which sometimes
aid weight gain.
From the
foregoing it is evident the use of Stevia as an effective dietary supplement does
work in pot belly nutrition. Refined sugar on the other hand is devoid of any
nutritional benefit and has been found to be the cause of many degenerative
diseases and weight gain. Stevia is sweeter and has none of sugar’s many side
effects. For many people therefore the overwhelming benefit of Stevia is the
fact that it offers a healthy alternative to cane sugar, saccharine and corn
syrup. To them the fact that it has been used for many centuries in some
cultures without side effect is enough conviction. Before going into the full
use of Stevia as a supplement, it is advisable you contact your physicians for
medical advice.
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